Composition Rules

lighthouse with sunset backround
Taken off the internet, this picture displays excellent composition because of the positioning of the lighthouse with the background. Which makes them both blend in well together.
person holding auger, on ice, in the winter.
This picture that I took is at a specific angle which crops both subjects in the frame. The background is also conveniently shown in the back. Any other angle would not display this perfection. You can also see the nice blue sky making all the snow more white and standout.
rock formation with sunset
This is another image that I took off the internet, which once again displays the background and rock formation nicely together. If the rocks were in the middle of the frame, you would not be able to see the sunset background, and the picture wouldn’t turn out as good. This is an excellent example of perfectly executed composition rules.

One response to “Composition Rules”

  1. Good explanations but I can’t see your internet pictures. I can see your alternative text though, so good job adding that! 4/5


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